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This is the primarly command from EsTranslator to translate documents.

Usage: es-translator [OPTIONS]

  -u, --url TEXT                  Elastichsearch URL
  -i, --index TEXT                Elastichsearch Index  [required]
  -r, --interpreter TEXT          Interpreter to use to perform the
  -s, --source-language TEXT      Source language to translate from
  -t, --target-language TEXT      Target language to translate to  [required]
  --intermediary-language TEXT    An intermediary language to use when no
                                  translation is available between the source
                                  and the target. If none is provided this
                                  will be calculated automatically.
  --source-field TEXT             Document field to translate
  --target-field TEXT             Document field where the translations are
  -q, --query-string TEXT         Search query string to filter result
  -d, --data-dir PATH             Path to the directory where to language
                                  model will be downloaded
  --scan-scroll TEXT              Scroll duration (set to higher value if
                                  you're processing a lot of documents)
  --dry-run                       Don't save anything in Elasticsearch
  --pool-size INTEGER             Number of parallel processes to start
  --pool-timeout INTEGER          Timeout to add a translation
  --throttle INTEGER              Throttle between each translation (in ms)
  --syslog-address TEXT           Syslog address
  --syslog-port INTEGER           Syslog port
  --syslog-facility TEXT          Syslog facility
  --stdout-loglevel TEXT          Change the default log level for stdout
                                  error handler
  --progressbar / --no-progressbar
                                  Display a progressbar
  --plan                          Plan translations into a queue instead of
                                  processing them npw
  --broker-url TEXT               Celery broker URL (only needed when planning
  --max-content-length TEXT       Max translated content length
                                  (<[0-9]+[KMG]?>) to avoid highlight
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


This command allows you to run es-translator workers with Celery. This is particulary useful when you need to distribute the translation between different servers:

Usage: es-translator-tasks [OPTIONS]

  Starts a Celery worker.

  --broker-url TEXT       Celery broker URL
  --concurrency INTEGER   Number of concurrent workers
  --stdout-loglevel TEXT  Change the default log level for stdout error
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Instant translation

Translates documents from French to Spanish on a local Elasticsearch. The translated field is content (the default).

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --index my-index \
  --source-language fr \
  --target-language es

Translates documents from French to English on a local Elasticsearch using Apertium:

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --index my-index \
  --source-language fr \
  --target-language en \
  --interpreter apertium

To translate the title field we could do:

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --index my-index \
  --source-language fr \
  --target-language es \
  --source-field title

Translates documents from English to Spanish on a local Elasticsearch using 4 threads:

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --index my-index \
  --source-language en \
  --target-language es \
  --pool-size 4

Translates documents from Portuguese to English, using an intermediary language (Apertium doesn't offer this translation pair):

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --index my-index \
  --interpreter apertium \
  --source-language pt \
  --intermediary-language es \
  --target-language en

Planned translation

This tools can be use to plan translation (ie. building a list of document to translate) which can be consume by es-translator later, on one or several servers. This can be useful in two cases:

  • You have a lot of big documents and EsTranslator loose the search context because it takes too long to translate a document
  • You have a lot of documents and want to distribute the translation on several servers

To do so, you will have to follow two steps. We start with planning the translation:

es-translator \
  --url "http://localhost:9200" \
  --broker-url "redis://redis:6379" \
  --index my-index \
  --source-language fr \
  --target-language en \
  --pool-size 1 \

What happends here? You can see we added two parameters to EsTranslator. First, --broker-url which is the URL of the remote Redis server we use to store the list and distribute it later. Second, --plan which simply tells EsTranslator to store the list of documents to translate (with all the given command arguments) in the broker.

When this command is done, we can proceed to translate from the broker list:

es-translator-tasks \
  --broker-url "redis://redis:6379" \
  --concurrency 1 \

You can run this command as many server as you want. In practice, we start it directly with a detached Docker container so the task run as a service and can restart automaticaly in case of failure:

sudo docker run \
  --privileged \
  --interactive \
  --tty \
  --detach \
  --restart on-failure \
  --name es-translator-tasks \
  icij/es-translator es-translator-tasks \
    --broker-url "redis://redis:6379" \
    --concurrency 1 \